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Orbit/Oculoplastics Quiz 19
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Sandra Rocio Montezuma, M.D. | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary

July 15, 2006
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Eyelid Lesion

Case History
A 55 year old woman presents with a flat red lesion located in the left lateral periorbital area which has been present for six months. She had periods of exacerbation and remission. The lesion had been increasing in size over the last 3-4 weeks, and was associated with itchiness and dry skin.

1. What is the differential diagnosis?
2. What is the typical lesion in this condition?
3. What is the clinical course of this condition?
4. What is the histopathology?
5. What other parts of the body are affected in this condition?
6. What other eye problems can be present in this condition?
7. What other systemic problems can be present?
8. What are the treatment options?
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