Figure 1
Figures 1-3. Figures 1-2 SHOW the everted lids of a woman with chronic conjunctivitis FROM North Africa which demonstrate linear subconjunctival scarring. Figure 3 shows high powered views which reveal perilimbal depressions
Figure 2
Figure 3
Case History
Longstanding trachoma is a much more difficult condition to manage. Surgery to REPAIR lid deformities and corneal transplants are potential options, but are unavailable to the populations afflicted with trachoma. In those, countries prevention is the only treatment.
1. What is the cause of this woman's chronic conjunctivitis?
2. What is the eponym for the finding in figures 1-2?
3. What is the eponym for the finding in figure 3 and what does this finding represent?
4. How do you make the diagnosis of this condition?
5. How is this condition treated?