Corneal haze after near vision corneal inlay surgery
Jul 31, 2019
Volume 25, Number 3
Hrag Yervant Janbatian, MD | Boston Eye Group, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, Massachusetts
Jason Brenner, MD | Boston Eye Group, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, Massachusetts
Samir Melki, MD, PhD | Boston Eye Group, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, Massachusetts
A 51-year-old woman underwent corneal inlay surgery at Boston Eye Group, Boston, Massachusetts, for near vision correction. The inlay (Raindrop Near Vision Inlay; ReVision Optics Inc, Lake Forest, CA) was placed under a 180 µm flap with 20 seconds of mitomycin C. At 4 months’ follow-up, uncorrected distance and near visual acuity in the inlay eye was 20/25. At 7 months’ follow-up, the patient reported worsening vision. Distance and near visual acuity were 20/70 and 20/20, respectively, with a myopic shift (−2.00 −1.00 × 5). Slit-lamp examination revealed central inlay haze (A). Associated central steepening was documented on topography (B). The patient was treated with a 3-month course of tapering topical steroids to reduce the haze.
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