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34 year old man presents with transient loss of vision in his right eye
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2005
Volume 11, Number 13
July 10, 2005
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Szilard Kiss | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Two months prior to his presentation, the patient had bilateral progressive painless vision loss over five days. Vision returned to baseline within one week. One month prior to presentation, the patient had progressive painless vision loss in the right eye. As vision in right eye improved, vision in left eye worsened. Both eyes returned to baseline within one week. MRI of brain and orbits during second episode were reported to be normal. Evaluation during that episode by retina specialist showed 20/400 vision in right eye and was otherwise unremarkable.

Past Medical History:
- unremarkable

Past Ocular History:
- unremarkable

- multivitamin a day

- no smoking
- social beer and wine

Family History:
-no significant history of blindness