Lucas Maischner | Kings College Hospital Kashif Qureshi | St George's Hospital Fiona Robinson | Kings College Hospital Scott Robiee | St George's Hospital Shahram Kashani | Kings College Hospital Neelanjana Dutt | Kings College Hospital
A 33 year old Caucasian man presented with pain and swelling of the left upper eyelid for 4 months. He had also been suffering from increasing headaches and reported frequent nose bleeds.
There were no visual symptoms of note. He had been diagnosed with Wegener’s Granulomatosis (ANCA positive) 10 years previously, this being treated with immunosuppressive treatment (cyclophosphamide and azathioprine).
He had been off immunosuppressive treatment for 5 years and was well until recent events . Past medical history included hypertension and focal glomerulonephritis secondary to Wegener’s Granulomatosis.