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23 year old man with a history of alcohol abuse
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1997
Volume 3, Number 24
August 15, 1997
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Ammar Safar, M.D. | Center for Sight, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
Sasikala Pillai, M.D. | Center for Sight, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
The patient is a 23 year old African American man who presented to the emergency room for detoxification FROM alcohol abuse. He had no visual complaints on initial presentation. His examination in the emergency room showed a temperature of 101 F., a blood pressure of 116/76, Heart Rate of 80 beats per minute. He also noted to have erythematous macular lesions on both arms and enlarged bilateral inguinal and anterior cervical nodes.

PMHx: none
Meds: none
SHx: History of alcohol abuse and cocaine abuse. He denies intravenous drug abuse
FHx: Non contributory

Hospital Course:
The patient was admitted to the medicine service and he was placed on broad spectrum antibiotics. His work-up was negative for infection. Several days INTO his admission the patient noted decreased vision and an ophthalmology consult was obtained.