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54 year old man with diplopia
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1997
Volume 3, Number 20
June 11, 1997
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Adam Jay Scheiner MD | Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Philadelphia, PA
Grant Liu MD | Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Philadelphia, PA
A 54 year old right handed male presented with a chief complaint of intermittent double vision. Two weeks prior, the patient awoke with horizontal diplopia in primary gaze. Later that day his diplopia changed to diplopia in lateral gazes and fusion in primary gaze. The patient reported that a similar pattern followed over the next two weeks daily. He denied eye pain, headache, neurologic symptoms, lid drooping, dysphagia, recent trauma, or viral infection. The patient was evaluated by an outside ophthalmolgist who noted a normal ocular exam and referred the patient for neuroophthalmic evaluation.

POHx: None
PMHx: "One good kidney"
Meds: None
SHx: On disability for a learning disorder since a teenager
FHx: None