39 year old Hispanic woman with a ten year history of gradual blurring of vision in both eyes
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1997 Volume 3, Number 16 April 2, 1997
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David Huang, M.D., Ph.D. | Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Peter J. McDonnell, M.D. | Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
History | The patient is a 39 years old Hispanic female who complained of gradual blurring of vision in both eyes over approximately 10 years. She recalled normal vision prior to this. There was no history of pain, redness, or trauma to her eyes. There is no known family history of eye disease or decreased vision. Both parents came FROM the same village in Mexico but were not known to be related.
POHx: As above
PMHx: Non-contributory
Meds: None
SHx: Non contributory
FHx: None | |