4 year old boy with proptosis of the left eye and an afferent pupillary defect
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1999 Volume 5, Number 9 February 8, 1999
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Peter A.D. Rubin, M.D.,F.A.C.S. | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Ramin Tayani, M.D., M.P.H. | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
History | Presenting History: A four year old boy was referred to our service for progressive proptosis of the left eye over a two day span. The patient complained of pain over the left eye six days prior to presentation.. On the fourth and fifth day prior to admission he would complain of pain throughout the day, and at times scream in anguish. He continued to eat and play normally until two days prior to admission when he refused to eat and didn't want to even walk. One day prior to his acute transfer to our institution he was emergently admitted to another hospital for a rapidly evolving orbital process, characterized by progressive proptosis, limited extraocular motility, and acute pain. He had no fever, chills, recent illnesses, similar prior episodes, or recent trauma
Past Ocular History: none
Past Medical History: Food allergies to preservatives
Medications: Benadryl p.r.n.
Prenatal History: Delivered at 38 weeks (cesarean section). Mother had toxemia of pregnancy.
Developmental History: No developmental delay
Family History: Non-contributory. | |
