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31 year old woman with vertical diplopia for 2 months
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1998
Volume 4, Number 21
August 8, 1998
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Kenneth Graham, MD | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
A 31 year old woman complains of vertical diplopia for 2 months. One year prior to our exam, the patient reported decreased peripheral vision and subsequently underwent surgical removal of an epidermoid cyst of the pituitary stalk. After the surgery, she reported that her peripheral vision improved, but then gradually declined. Two months prior to our exam the patient underwent a second neurosurgical procedure to remove remaining fragments of the epidermoid cyst. On awaking FROM the second surgery, she reports the new onset of vertical diplopia. The patient reports splitting and separation of shelves, cars and faces. With reading, she complains of gaps appearing in the page. In addition, she reports difficulty with cutting fingernails and with threading needles. Alteration of head position does not improve her symptoms.

PMHx: endometriosis, pituitary epidermoid cyst. She reports no unusual birthmarks, no history of prematurity, and no surgery other than that discussed.
Meds: Levothroid, prednisone
Allergies: no known drug allergies
SHx: Non contributory
FHx: Non contributory