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19 year old man with a sore throat, ear pain, and a red eye
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1998
Volume 4, Number 18
May 11, 1998
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Victor L. Perez, M.D. | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
19 year old male with a 1-2 weeks history of sore throat, sinus congestion, and ear pain who was told that his right eye was red. No other ocular symptoms were present. The patient was treated for sinusitis and conjunctivitis by an outside clinic and came for evaluation because his throat discomfort was not improving and he noticed an area of tenderness in his nose.

PMH: None
POH: Myopia, soft contact lens user
Meds: Augmentin, Motrin and Iloticyn
Allergies: NKDA
ROS: Fatigue and malaise lately, possibly fever. No difficulty breathing or productive cough, however, "rib pain" with deep breathing efforts. No joint swelling or tenderness, no back pain and no urethritis.