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39 year old male with diplopia on right gaze
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2001
Volume 7, Number 6
October 1, 2001
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Brad Wakeman, BSc. OC(C) | Room 2-133 Clinical Sciences Building, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
Ian MacDonald, MDCM FRCSC | Room 2-133 Clinical Sciences Building, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
Presenting History: A 39 year old male presented with complaints of horizontal diplopia on right gaze becoming worse over the past few years. He had no history of pain or trauma to the head or orbits.

Previous ocular history: Recurrent episodes of iritis OS beginning 6 years ago. No childhood strabismus.
No family history of ocular problems including strabismus.

Past Medical History: ankylosing spondylitis, hypertension

Medications: none

Family History: Non-contributory.