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62 year old female with blurry vision
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2001
Volume 7, Number 7
November 1, 2001
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Melissa Torralva, M.D. | Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford, California 94305
Saad Shaikh, M.D. | Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford, California 94305
Presenting History: The patient is a 62 year-old female who was referred to the ophthalmology service for recent onset of blurry vision. Upon further questioning the patient reported seeing "red" out of her left eye. Three days previously she had undergone a right-sided craniotomy with surgical clipping of a recently ruptured aneurysm at the tip of the basilar artery.

Previous ocular history: None

Past Medical History:
- Hypertension
- Hyperthyroidism
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Gastritis

Medications: Dyazide; Atenolol; Prilosec; Estrace;Synthroid

Family and Social History: Non-contributory.