Thank you to our scientific reviewers 2021
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2022 Volume 28, Number 1 January 19, 2022
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The editors of the Digital Journal of Ophthalmology thank our expert peer reviewers for 2021. All of these individuals have volunteered their time to contribute to our goal of providing a high-quality free-access ophthalmic journal.
Lucia Ambrosio MD, PhD
Grayson Armstrong MD, MPH
James Auran MD
Tedi Begaj MD
Banu Bozkurt MD, FEBO, MSc
Han-Ying Peggy Chang MD
Michael Carl Chen MD
Catherine Choi MD
Bart K. Chwalisz MD
Mohammad Dahrouj MD, PhD
Jenny Dohlman MD
Marlene Durand MD
Ryan Gise MD
John Gittinger MD
Efren Gonzalez MD
Seanna Grob MAS, MD
Qing Guoping MD
Meenakashi Gupta MD
Hesam Hashemian MD
Michael Hawes MD
Jonathan M. Holmes MD
Annette Hoskin PhD
Mary Lou Jackson MD
Karen Jeng-Miller MD, MPH
Ferenc Kuhn MD, PhD
Chang Sup Lee MD
Yifan Lu MD
Zhonghui Katie Luo MD, PhD
Beatriz Alonso Martín MD
Anuradha Mishra MD
Sandra R Montezuma MD
Majid Moshirfar MD
Steven Naids MD
Isdin Oke MD
Suresh Pandey MS, ASF
George N. Papaliodis MD
Nimesh Patel MD
Valerie Purvin MD
Meera Ramakrishnan MD
Edith Reshef MD
Jesse Richman MD
Ekta Rishi MBBS, MS
Daniel Roberts OD, MS, PhD
Andrés Rousselot MD
Noam Rudnick MD, PhD
José-María Sánchez-González OD, PhD
Prithvi S Sankar MD
Ariel Schlaen MD
Chirag P. Shah MD, MPH
Roman Shinder MD
Matthew Sniegowski MD
Lucia Sobrin MD, MPH
Michael Sulewski MD
Gangadhara Sundar DO, FRCSEd, FAMS
Jeremiah Tao MD
Danielle Trief MD, MSc
Jimmy Uddin MB Bchir, MA, FRCOphth
Michael Vaphiades DO
Federico Velez MD
Jennifer Verhoekx PhD
Daniel Vu MD
Mary Whitman MD, PhD
Atchareeya Wiwatwongwana MD
Fasika Woreta MD, MPH
Steve Yoelin MD
Yoshihiro Yonekawa MD
Sylvia Yoo MD
Michael K. Yoon MD
Masahiro Zako MD
Nazlee Zebardast MD, MSc
Zhengwei Zhang MD |

Author Information |
Ankoor Shah, MD, PhD | Editor in Chief, Digital Journal of Ophthalmology Aaron Savar, MD | Scientific Editor, Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
