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Thank you to our scientific reviewers 2017
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2018
Volume 24, Number 1
February 9, 2018
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The editors of the Digital Journal of Ophthalmology thank our expert peer reviewers for 2017. All of these individuals have volunteered their time to contribute to our goal of providing a high-quality free-access ophthalmic journal.

Audrey Ahuero, MD, FACS
John Bartlett, MD
Nicole Benitah, MD
Rafael J. Pérez Cambrodi, MD
David Chow, MD, MPH, FACS
Sunil Eappen, MD, MBA
Miri Ehrenberg, MD
Matthew Gardiner, MD
Jeremy Goldfarb, MD
Efren Gonzalez, MD
Scott H. Greenstein, MD, FACS
Saeed Hajirah, MD
Ying Han, MD
Gena Heidary, MD, PhD
Simon Hickman, PhD, FRCP
Ambika Hoguet, MD
Rachel Huckfeldt, MD, PhD
Joann Kang, MD
Pavlina Kemp, MD
Dara Koozekanani, MD, PhD
Yao Liu, MD
Samir Melki, PhD, MD
Sandra Montezuma, MD
Sotiria Palioura, MD, PhD
Louis Pasquale, MD
Venkatesh Prajna, DNB, FRCS
Pradeep Prasad, MD
Valerie Purvin , MD
Aparna Ramasubramanian, MD
Dana Reza, MD, MSc, MPH
Pukhraj Rishi, MD
Jullia Rosdahl, MD, PhD
Nita Sahani, MD
Judy Savige, MD
Roman Shinder, MD
James Singer, DO
Christian Song, MD
Adam Sweeney, MD
Hana Takusagawa, MD
Sinan Tatlipinar, MD
Ryan Vasan, MD
Demetrios Vavvas, MD, PhD
Peter Veldman, MD
Michael Wan, MD
Matthew Welch, MD
Yoshihiro Yonekawa, MD

Author Information
Ankoor Shah, MD, PhD | Editor in Chief
Aaron Savar, MD | Science Editor
