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Welcome to the new Letter and Editorials section
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2010
Volume 15, Number 2
March 17, 2009
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Dear Readers,

The Digital Journal of Ophthalmology is now entering its 15th year in
publication. We continue to provide an open-access, peer-reviewed
ophthalmology journal featuring original research and case reports as
well as patient information and knowledge review quizzes. A lot has
changed over the past couple years. The editorial staff has grown as
has the number of submission we receive. We have streamlined our
review process to allow for more rapid turnover of manuscripts.

We are excited to introduce a new section to our journal called
"Letters and Editorials." This section will serve as a forum for brief
reports and for discussion about our publications and other pertinent
issues. We invite our readers to submit material to this section.

We will be introducing additional changes over the coming months. We
hope you will continue to enjoy the Digital Journal of Ophthalmology.

Author Information
Aaron Savar, MD | Associate Editor, Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
Ankoor S. Shah, MD, PhD | Associate Editor, Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
Carolyn E. Kloek, MD | Editor-in-Chief, Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
