Figure 1
This is the pathology FROM the corneal button of a patient complaining of decreased visual acuity. The stain is Mason Trichrome
Questions and Answers
1. What is the diagnosis? Answer: Granular corneal dystrophy
2. What is the composition of the reddish stromal deposits? Answer: Hyaline.
3. Is this condition inherited? If so, what is the inheritance pattern? Answer: This condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion.
4. What symptoms aside FROM decreased visual acuity may occur in patients with this condition? Answer: Patients with granular corneal dystrophy may have symptoms of recurrent corneal erosions.
5. At what age do patients usually develop significantly decreased visual acuity in this condition? Answer: Visual impairment usually does not occur until the fifth decade and beyond.
6. Is corneal transplantation completely curative in this condition? Answer: Recurrence in the corneal graft may occur as early as one year after surgery and begins centrally and superficially. Phototherapeutic keratectomy may be used to treat superficial lesions in the primary disease condition as well as recurrences in the graft.