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Cornea/Refractive Surgery Quiz 20
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Yichieh Shiuey, MD | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School

February 9, 1998
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Figure 1
Figures 1-2. These are the anterior segment photographs of the right eye of a patient with recurrent episodes of foreign body sensation and tearing OU. The left eye has a similar appearance on slit lamp examination.
Figure 2
A 41-year-old female presented to Elvis Presley Trauma Center at Regional One Health in Memphis, Tennessee with vision loss, eyelid swelling and eye pain of the left eye after being struck by a bull’s horn during rodeo practice. She had no past medical history. Her exam showed no light perception vision, left lid ecchymoses and edema, and globe malposition. CT maxillofacial (A) demonstrated inferior globe displacement through an orbital floor fracture. She underwent primary enucleation given her extensive ocular injury. Histopathological exam revealed multiple peripapillary white subretinal masses grossly (B), with GFAP and Luxol Fast Blue histopathological stains characteristic for myelin intrusion (C and D, respectively). Myelin intrusion is a histological artifact seen following enucleation.
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