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34 year old man presents with transient loss of vision in his right eye
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2005
Volume 11, Number 13
July 10, 2005
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Szilard Kiss | Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Ancillary Testing
Radiographic Studies
- Sedimentation Rate – 25 (normal range 0-15)
- ACE – 71 (normal range 8-52)
- Lysozyme – 19 (normal range 9-17)
- Lyme disease titer – positive
- Western Blot – negative
- FTA-ABS – reactive – 3+
- RPR – reactive – 1:512 titer
- TPPA – reactive

Lumbar Puncture
- Normal opening pressure
- Clear, colorless
- Wbc, glucose and total protein normal
- No growth on culture
- VDRL – negative
IVFA Early

IVFA Early 2

IVFA Mid Phase

Note the vasculitis along the inferior arcade.