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A 33 year old man with difficulty adapting to light
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2004
Volume 10, Number 6
April 24, 2004
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Manuel Perrier | Université de Montréal
Corrected visual acuity was 20/60 R.E. and 20/40 L.E. The pupils, the anterior segment and the intraocular pressure were normal. A dilated fundus exam revealed in both eyes the presence of a macular exudative retinal detachment with yellowish intra and subretinal deposits. This lesion was accompanied by numerous other extramacular yellowish intra and subretinal deposits (fig 1 and 2).

Figure 1
Numerous exudative retinal detachments with yellowish intra and subretinal depositions

Figure 2
Numerous exudative retinal detachments with yellowish intra and subretinal depositions