20 year old man with eyelid swelling
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2003 Volume 9, Number 3 October 31, 2003
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Ruben Oliver | UNAM Jose Luis Tovilla-Canales | UNAM Oliver Schneider-Ehrenberg | UNAM
Examination | Visual acuity OD: 20/20 OS: 20/20
Pupils: Normal OU
Motility: Full OU
Tonometry: Normal OU
Slit lamp examination of the anterior segment: Normal OU
Fundus examination: Normal OU
Eyelid exam: The RUL revealed a mild preseptal cellulitis around an indurated lesion which showed a central fistula draining a serosanguineous material. (Fig 1 and 2)
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Figure 1
Eyelid swelling with central ulcerated lesion.
Figure 2
Higher magnification of ulcerated lesion.