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An 11-month-old girl with a retinal detachment
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2019
Volume 25, Number 2
May 11, 2019
DOI: 10.5693/djo.03.2019.02.004
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Vinay Badhwar, MBBS, BSc | Barts and The London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom
Damien Yeo, MBBS, FRCOphth | Royal London Hospital, Barts Health Trust; Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom
Samruddhi Joshi, BSc | Barts and The London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom
Sui Chien Wong, MBBS, FRCSEdOphth, MRCOphth, PGC | Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; Royal Free Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Ashwin Reddy, MD, MBBChir, FRCOphth | Royal London Hospital, Barts Health Trust; Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,London, United Kingdom
Ancillary Testing
Fundus fluorescein angiography performed during the same examination under anesthesia highlighted aneurysmal dilatations (Figure 2A) and telangiectatic vessels (Figure 2B) along the detached retina. Adjacent to the vessel anomalies were moderate-to-large areas of capillary dropout. Video 1 shows the red blood cells traveling along the dilated retinal vessels and further emphaise of the abnormal retinal vasculature. A B-scan ultrasound (Figure 3) revealed an exudative retinal detachment, with no signs of calcification.
Figure 2
Fluorescein angiogram. A, Aneurysmal dilatations (yellow arrow) and capillary dropout (blue arrows). B, Telangiectatic vessels (red arrow).

Figure 3
Figure 3. B-scan ultrasound showing an intraocular, hyperechoic mass representative of an exudative retinal detachment. Subretinal areas are hypoechoic (arrows), which goes against calcification, a feature associated with retinoblastoma and appearing as bright hyperechoic lesions.

Video 1
Sluggish dynamics of the red blood cells traveling along the dilated retinal vessels and further highlights of the anomalous retinal vasculature.