20 year old woman with back pain, neck pain, and blurry vision OS
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1997 Volume 3, Number 25 September 7, 1997
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History | The patient is a 2O year old woman seen at the Massachusetts General Hospital for symptoms of back pain, neck pain, and blurry vision in the left eye for 10 days. The patient describes the blurry vision as being constant.
POHx: None
PMHx: The patient notes a history of "migraine" headaches which were frontal in location and which did not have a preference for one side of the head. Sometimes, the headaches were associated with nausea. The patient recalls two episodes of headache that were associated with vomiting.
Meds: Percocet, valium, robaxin, fioricet all prescribed since the onset of the patient's symptoms
SHx: Non-contributory
FHx: Non-contributory | |