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39 year old Hispanic woman with a ten year history of gradual blurring of vision in both eyes
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1997
Volume 3, Number 16
April 2, 1997
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David Huang, M.D., Ph.D. | Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Peter J. McDonnell, M.D. | Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Vision: 20/50 OD, 20/80 OS, no improvement by pinhole or refraction OU.
Potential acuity meter: 20/50 OU
Pupils: Reactive OU, No relative afferent pupillary defect
External exam: Mild ptosis OU with fissure heights of 6 mm in each eye
Slit lamp examination: Scattered focal white superficial corneal stromal opacities more numerous centrally; subtle epithelial elevations associated with the focal opacities; diffuse stromal haze spans center to limbus; endothelial opacities are present. Corneal findings are bilateral and symmetric.
Fundus examination: Within normal limits OU
Management: The patient underwent penetrating keratoplasty OS.
Figure 1
Anterior segment photograph of the patient's left eye. The patient's right eye had the same appearance.