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36 year old man with redness, discharge and blurred vision in the left eye
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1997
Volume 3, Number 11
January 21, 1997
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Matthew Runde, M.D. | Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Christopher Rapuano, M.D. | Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
A 36 year old presented to the Wills Eye Hospital Emergency Room complaining of redness, blurred vision and discharge of eight days duration in the left eye. He was recently admitted to an inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility and developed his symptoms while an inpatient. He was started on ciprofloxin drops OU every 2 hours while awake five days prior to presentation for conjunctivitis. His condition grew progressive worse and he was transferred to Wills Eye Hospital for evaluation. He denied any trauma or contact lens use, and had no history of similar episodes.

PMHx: Diabetes
Meds: Insulin
SHx: Drug and alcohol abuse
FHx: None