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60 year old man with ulcerated lesions of the right eyelid
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1996
Volume 2, Number 8
November 27, 1996
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J Oscar Croxatto, MD | Fundacion Oftalmologica Argentina Jorge Malbran
Ricardo Negroni, MD | Hospital Municipal F. J. Muiz
Gabriela Volpe, MD | Hospital Oftalmologico Santa Luca
Vision: CF OD, 7/10 OS
Pupils: OD not well visualized, OS no APD
External: See Figure 1
Slit lamp examination: Epithelial and anterior stromal opacities.
Fundus examination: OD view precluded due to corneal opacity. Normal fundus OS. Normal posterior segment findings on ultrasonographic examination of the right eye.
Figure 1
Ulcerated lesions with necrosis and purulent exudation FROM the superior and inferior eyelids OD.