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29 year old woman with loss of visual field in her right eye
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1999
Volume 5, Number 8
January 8, 1999
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Mr. Sunil Deokule | Wolverhampton and Midland Counties Eye Infirmary, United Kingdom
Vision: CF OD improved to 20/20 with raised chin; OS 20/20
Confrontational visual fields: Superior Visual Field restriction, OD; full OS
Pupils: 4 --> 2 OD 4 --> 2 OS
Motility: Full OS
Slit lamp examination: Conjunctiva- white/quite/ no chemosis OU Cornea- clear/quiet OU Anterior chamber- deep/quiet OU Iris- normal, round pupil OU Lens- clear OU
Tonometry: 17 mmHg, OU
Fundi: On dilated funduscopic examination of the right, diffuse whitening of inferior retina of the right eye extending FROM 3 O'clock to 9 O'clock with retinal edema with arteriolar attenuation (Figure 1). No embolus was visible in any retinal arterioles. The left eye fundus was normal.
Goldmanns' Field Test: see Figure 2
FA: Fluorescein angiography was deferred by patient
Hematologic work-up:

 Full Blood Count  All parameters normal
 ESR :  11mm/ 1 hour
 Auto-antibody screen  Normal
 Routine Coagulation  Normal
 Anti Thrombin III  84 units (75-150)
 Total protein S  60 units (80-115)
 Protein C  68 units (70-140)
 Blood Chemistry  Normal

Echo Cardiography: Normal
Doppler Carotid Angiogram: Normal
Figure 1
Right eye fundus photo on presentation dedmonstrating inferior retinal whitening and edema with arteriolar attenuation

Figure 2
Goldmanns' Visual Field testing demonstrating sharply demarcated superior visual field loss in the right eye