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77 year old woman seen in the optometry clinic for aphakic contact lenses
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 1998
Volume 4, Number 15
February 28, 1998
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Kenneth M. Goins, MD | The University of Chicago, Chicago IL
Arutun Oganesian, MD | The University of Chicago, Chicago IL
Louise Sclafani, OD | The University of Chicago, Chicago IL
Vision: 20/40 OD; 20/30 OS with contact lenses OU
External exam: Normal
Pupils: Reactive to light, no APD OU
Motility: Full OU
Slit lamp examination: See figures 1-3
Endothelial Specular Microscopy: See figures 4-6
Intraocular pressure: 14 mm Hg OD, 14 mm Hg OS
Fundi: Normal OU
Figure 1
Figures 1-3. There is peripheral concentric corneal edema extending 2.5-3.5 mm FROM the limbus. The patient has a peripheral iridectomy and is aphakic OD. The left eye had a similar appearance.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4
Figures 4-6. Specular microscopy of the center of the cornea is essentially normal(left), Specular microscopy of the peripheral cornea (center and right) shows polymegathism and decreased numbers of corneal endothelial cells

Figure 2

Figure 6