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79 year old female with redness and swelling of the left eyelids
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2002
Volume 8, Number 3
March 1, 2002
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Aljoscha S Neubauer, M.D. | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 80336 Munich, Germany
Christos Haritoglou, M.D. | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 80336 Munich, Germany
Christoph Hintschich, M.D. | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 80336 Munich, Germany
Vision: OD 20/30 OS 20/30
Pupils: Normal (OU), no APD
Motility: OD ortho, full; OS ortho; restriction on upwards gaze and downwards gaze with slight pain on eye movement in extreme upwards gaze
Hertel exophthalmometry: OS 4 mm proptosis (OD 13 mm, OS 17 mm)
Slit lamp examination:
OD: 1-2+ cortico-nuclear cataracts
OS: chemosis, 1-2+ cortico-nuclear cataracts, otherwise normal
Tonometry: OD 12 mmHg, OS 13 mmHg
Fundus examination:
OD/OS within normal limits
Figure 1
External photograph of the patient