72 year old male with progressive bilateral decrease in vision
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2002 Volume 8, Number 4 May 1, 2002
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Manoj M. Thakker, MD | Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston MA Deborah S. Jacobs, MD | Beth Israel/Deaconess Medical Center, Boston MA
Examination | Vision: 20/20 OD, 20/40 OS
Pupils: Equal, round, and reactive to light. + afferent pupillary defect OS
Motility: Full OU
Introcular pressure: 16 mm Hg OD, 14 mmHg OS
Slit lamp exam: 1+ nuclear sclerotic cataract
Fundus exam: normal macula, vessels, periphery OU | |
Figure 1a
Figures 1a-1b. There is pallor of the left optic nerve.
Figure 1b