A 25-month-old girl with vision loss, nystagmus, and anomalous head posture
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2009 Volume 15, Number 1 February 23, 2009
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Joel Metzger, MD | Senior Flight Surgeon, Training Air Wing Six, Pensacola, FL, USA Richard Hertle, MD | Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, UPMC Eye Center, Eye & Ear Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA John Avallone, MD | Ophthalmology Associates of Greater Annapolis Edward Cheeseman, M.D. | University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Charleston, SC and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, USA
Treatment | Over the next 18 months, the patient underwent 360 degrees of unsuccessful trabeculotomy on each eye followed by uncomplicated placement of Baerveldt implants in both eyes and a bilateral medial rectus recession. Throughout the course of these interventions, her vision continued to improve and her exam stabilized. Her IOP 18 months after presentation was 10-12 mmHg OD and 15-17 mmHg OS. The cup-to-disc ratio was 0.4-0.6 OU, and her refraction was –4.00 +1.00 x180 OD and –5.00 +2.00 x180 OS. Visual acuity using HOTV optotypes was 20/70 OU, and the AHP, nystagmus and esotropia were decreased. | |