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A 73-year-old man with acute orbital swelling following cataract surgery
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2007
Volume 13, Number 8
August 28, 2007
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Conor Mulholland | The Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
The visual acuity was 6/9 (with assisted elevation of the eyelid) on the right and 6/6 on the left. There was marked periorbital swelling, 2mm of proptosis and restricted eye movements on the right. Pupillary reactions were normal. Color vision was normal. Anterior segment examination showed marked conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis. The anterior chamber was quiet. Examination of the fundus and optic disc was normal.
Figure 1
Attempted upgaze showing limited elevation of the right eye

Figure 2
Attempted leftgaze showing limited adduction of the right eye

Figure 3
Attempted downgaze showing limited depression of the right eye

Figure 4
Lid swelling and ptosis